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Sea Wide sky

Today I, watching snow in a cold night 

holding my cooling heart float out somewhere far 

chasing in wind rain 

cannot distinguish in mist 

sky high sea wide you and me 

may be change (who didn"t change) 

Many time, facing cold eyes and teasing 

I never give up the ideal in my mind 

once moment sosad 

feel that something is losing 

no one mention turning light 

love in heart (who knowing me) 

Forgive me in this life uninhibited love freedom 

still afraid someday I will fall down 

Betray your ideal, everybody can 

only afraid someday just you with me 

Today I, watching snow in a cold night 

holding my cooling heart float out somewhere far 

chasing in wind rain 

cannot distinguish in mist 

sky high sea wide you and me 

may be change (who didn"t change) 

Forgive me in this life uninhibited love freedom 

still afraid someday I will fall down 

Betray your ideal, everybody can 

only afraid someday just you with me 

still that feel I am free 

always high sing my song, kilometer 

Forgive me in this life uninhibited love freedom 

still afraid someday I will fall down 

Betray your ideal, everybody can 

only afraid someday just you with me 

Betray your ideal, everybody can 

only afraid someday just you with me





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