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Shenzhen Polytechnic

Shenzhen Polytechnic

Shenzhen Polytechnic

Industry field: College clients, college branches
Cooperation time: 5 year
Cooperation scope: Translation, listening translation, student internship base
Translation language: English, Japanese, German, Russian
Annual translation amount: 3.31 million words

Shenzhen Polytechnic

The Polytechnic is accredited as a model for technical and vocational higher education by the State Ministry of Education.The Polytechnic has been approved by the State Ministry of Education to recruit students from all over the world, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.The Polytechnic is equipped with 4 industrial training centers along with 144 labs on campus and 409 out-of-campus workplacement sites. The facility in school assets totals RMB 404 millions.The Polytechnic has established academic collaboration relationships with over 20 universities in different countries.

上一條:NUCTECH下一條:Peking University

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We regard word of mouth as life, customer satisfaction rate is 99%

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